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Thursday, April 8, 2010

A lovely dinner

I was invited to dinner this past weekend. This was exciting for me; it's a well known fact that I don't get out much. The people who invited me have a gorgeous house, the style is 'Rich European Ecclectic Chateau'. I don't know them very well, but I always get invites when a French speaker is needed, and they had a French houseguest so I scored. We dined on lamb, asparagus, carrots , potatoes, homemade lemon ice cream and strawberries. It was delightful.
I received compliments on my son who made a rare appearance (his girlfriend is out of town for a week so he deigned to join us), of course I couldn't simply accept these compliments because i am British, I had to instead point out his many failings. However I tried to look on the bright side when, after cataloging his misdemeanors I finished with "Well I can't really complain-at least he's not drinking or on drugs".
My hosts' oldest is in rehab.
Which I knew.
I'm pretty sure I salvaged the situation when I distracted them by talking about my student who has MRSA The Super Bug That's Highly Contagious and Resistant to Most Antibiotics and his weeping sores.
Like I said; I don't get out much. Now you know why.

1 comment:

alisa highfill said...

haha! annie, you are nuts! i love it! ;)