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Wednesday, January 1, 2014

Happy New Year

As a nod to the many cultures who honor the new year by cleaning house, I put clean sheets on my bed last night. I really love the feeling and the smell of clean sheets; if I had household staff I think I would make them change my sheets every day. If you know me you won't be completely surprised when I say that despite this love of clean sheets I don't change them as often as perhaps I should.
Waking up in fresh sheets on New Year's Day seemed like a great way to start a year that I'm hoping will be A LOT BETTER than than the last two.
When I woke up my cat had puked on and in my bed. This was a less auspicious start to the year than I had been hoping for. As I write this the washer and dryer are going strong, sounding like a small earthquake due to the pen that has been stuck somewhere in the dryer for the last two years. And so begins 2014. Come with me and we'll see where we end up...

1 comment:

Bora said...

But now you get to wake up to fresh sheets two days in a row! Happy New Year, dear Annie!