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Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Fight the power...

Today is tax day, an important day for those with incomes; not something I have to worry my pretty little head about. My main concern at the moment is paying off $200 of bank fees, overdraft charges of $34 a piece for things like $2.80 worth of thread that I bought in my quest to make everything myself and not participate in the market economy. It turns out I could have bought napkins and tablecloths for the same ammount it ended up costing me to make them, courtesy of Wells Fargo, who can shove their stage coach right up their collective asses actually. When I spoke to John Who Was Happy To Assist Me Today, he apologized that I felt the way that I did ( i.e that the overdraft fees are a predatory practice targeting the poor who pay John's and everyone else's salary and that the bank builds its profits on the backs of the poor and that those $200 should have been food for me and my kids and not lining the corporate pockets of the already outrageously rich), however as it is my responsability to keep track of my expenses, he couldn't help me. But how about some overdraft protection? Yes please, will it stop me from unsafe overdraft sex/pregnancy? I told John that if I had any money I would have put it in my checking account so as not to become overdrawn, rather than into some other special account that Wells Fargo could charge me more fees for each time they transferred money into my checking account to cover my overdraft- I know call me crazy.
The banks just want to help us out people-you all know that. Look at the whole sub-prime mortgage debacle; kind banks giving people mortgages who didn't really have enough to pay them,then betting on the outcome and selling the loans to ANYONE at all ANYWHERE in the world-who else is nice enough to lend you money they know you can't pay back? Oh yeah...the MAFIA.

1 comment:

Pallex said...

you tell em girl! Are you ever right about this!Banks suck!