Before there was 'Taken"...
before there was 'Taken 2"...
..and WAY before there was Taken 3 (yup it's filming, click the link if you don't believe me) , Liam Neeson was playing the same gritty, out-for-justice character that we see in his later work in the sadly under-rated classic of the 'Hillbilly Revenge' genre Next of Kin.
The surprisingly stellar cast of this cinematic gem includes Patrick Swayze, Helen Hunt, Ben Stiller, Bill Paxton, Adam Baldwin, and, of course, Liam Neeson of Ballymeena Northern Ireland playing Briar Gates, a Kentucky hillbilly.
A hillbillies versus mobsters story (think Cowboys versus Aliens- yes, many great ideas were purloined from this movie), this film has it all; life, death, love, revenge, stereotypes, fiddle playing, shoot-outs in cemeteries, attacks with red paint and a school bus full of snakes-what more could you ask for in a movie? I would give you a plot synopsis but I would truly hate to spoil it for you. How was Next of Kin overlooked and Roadhouse becomes a cult classic with articles lauding its 25th anniversary in Entertainment Weekly?
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You're welcome.
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