So I took some old clothes; a plaid shirt that was my daughter's, a flowery top that was mine and some linen trousers that were my mum's. (My washing machine has Oppositional Defiance Disorder and often attacks my clothes for no reason, leaving them ripped beyond repair)
..and I made them in to a heart garland. I made these during the first week of January when I was off school.
I'm happy with how this project turned out, although it doesn't bode well for me as far as getting rid of old clothes are concerned. Now I will keep everything in the belief that someday I will make more garlands...
Project #2 was a simple one that I had been wanting to do for weeks, and I wish I had done it a few weeks ago so that we could be reaping the benefits round about now.
A couple of towns over from me there is a wholesale wine store, and they leave their wine crates at the back of the store for whoever wants them. I always take a few when I'm in that neck of the woods, I use them for anything I can think of including as planters. Drill a few holes, line with burlap, add your potting mix and seeds and you're sorted mate.
In about a month we should have a veritable lettuce buffet. I'll keep you posted.
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