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Sunday, February 6, 2011

Tell it to the judge

Your Honor, I am happy to have my marriage to Mr ___ declared null and void. That marriage was the worst eighteen months of my life and I have no problem with an anullment.

What I DO object to however, is the attempt by Mr ___ to besmirch my character by accusing me of bigamy and fraud. This is a ploy on the part of Mr __ , which he hopes will somehow serve him in our upcoming child custody case. As I showed the court on October 4th 2010, the laws of bigamy do not apply here , pursuant to CFC 2201a. There was no fraud perpetrated on Mr __. He knew I was married, we discussed it; we met with a lawyer and discussed it.

By all means, let us resolve the issue of this marriage today, but let the record show that
I am guilty of neither bigamy nor fraud.


kerriganjf said...

Did you divorce all those other blokes then? As my old nan(god rest her) always said ''You can't live with men''(thats the end of that quote...


250lb cheerleader said...

No I just killed them off. It seemed simpler, and after going through all this, I was right; it was simpler.