What is WRONG with you people?! I'm from the country that invented child labor and your kids should all be crawling up chimneys or down coal mines or working with sulphur in match factories, not being pressured into reading and writing before they are cognitively ready!
I'm here to represent the parents of 16 year olds who have piercings, get drunk and want tattoos. This is the blog that noone who is busy showing Baby Einstein videos to an inanimate drooling blob of early humanity wants to read; I for one certainly never expected to be the jaded, cynical, snarling sarcastic mother of a teen. (I pretty much knew I would be jaded,cynical, snarling and sarcastic, for some reason it just never occured to me that my darling drooling inanimate blob of early humanity would grow up into a jaded, cynical, snarling sarcastic teen. It's his bad attitude that's the problem-where does it come from?.) If you have young children, stay away from this blog.
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