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Sunday, March 23, 2014

Project #8; so many projects, so little time to blog...

So I have at least 3 new projects I haven't gotten around to posting. I know you're all restless and disgruntled, waiting, waiting for my next project.....
This is a cushion I made for my son's birthday a couple of weeks ago, with some rather bizarre comic book fabric I picked up in London. I don't know how well you can read it but it says things like "The but guy exactly...know that's Betty" to which Betty replies "Bring him to the boil"....
Cartoon cushion                                                                                                                                                                                                                            

Sunday, March 16, 2014

Living the Dream....

A few days ago it was my son's 22nd birthday, and this is how it went. My son came home with his new girlfriend, and a giant tattoo of a hedgehog on his arm. How nice for him that he lives with his mum and doesn't have any financial obligations like rent, or bills, so all his spare cash can go on hedgehog tattoos.
Then my 16 year old daughter tells me she will no longer be participating in the $2700 soccer club she previously told me she was dying to join. She graciously let me know; "you know my life philosophy. I just want to do what makes me happy."
I will be paying for this soccer club through June, working three jobs, getting home some days after midnight and then getting up at 6.30 the next morning...I told my son to take her to her friend's house for the night as I had an overwhelming desire to punch her in the face, and as a mandated reporter I would have to turn myself in to Child Protective Services. In addition to which it is really poor form to punch your kids. Or so I've heard.

Friday, March 7, 2014

Project #7

So I'm getting a little behind with posting my projects; it's March already (time to take down the Christmas tree) and I have a couple of things to post. 
I've been working on some weird stuff lately
Barnyard pillowcase
Ok it's not the most aesthetic pillowcase you ever saw, but it's for a three year old whose birthday party was farm-themed. (There was a petting zoo and I may or may not have tried to ride the donkey..)
I also made a couple of sweater vests (for children) but 1975 called and wanted them back so I might not post pictures...oh go on then

Why make ugly sweater vests? A few years back I bought a book called 'Knitting for Peace',and one of the patterns/projects was a vest for Afghan children. I started making two of them but I never finished them, and part of my goal this year is to complete unfinished projects as well as use up materials on new projects. I'm not sure if the Afghan children still need ugly sweater vests but let me tell you; some kid somewhere is going to end up wearing this damn vest.