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Saturday, February 15, 2014

Project #5

One more project before I leave for the airport and head out for the motherland.

Two scarves (or, a recently spotted alternative spelling for the plural of 'scarf'; scarf's. You know who you are Ginger Springs Day Spa).
I knitted these on size 15 circular needles, 200 stitches and you're away. These are great for using up random yarn from your stash. For those of you who have not been inducted into the secret Knit Masons society, you won't have understood a word of those last two sentences and I am certainly not going to be the one to break the sacred oath and explain any knitting jargon to you. I know these scarves look the same, but I promise I made two of them. Look closely and you will see; it's like a 'spot the difference' competition with no prizes or sense of accomplishment.

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