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Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Next project please...#4

WHAT a lot of bollox has been going on lately. This project has been finished for a while, I just haven't had a chance to sit down and launch it into the interwebs.

This was an easy one; some cheap towels, some packets of dye, some bits of fabric and voila!!
In days of olde (also in days of yore) when most words ended with 'e', people (women) would bind the frayed edges of their towels with bits of fabric to extend the life of the towel.

My mum used to dye her sheets when they got a bit manky, so she ended up with all these sheets in beautiful, unusual peacock colors. I was thinking about her when I dyed my towels. ( I dyed one of my sheets purple too, it came out lovely). I used fabric from my Stockpile for Armageddon, and also an old pair of pajamas that I really liked:

I can easily see myself dying all kinds of crap in the not-too-distant future... 
See you on the dark side.

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