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Sunday, July 8, 2012

Telenovellas continued..

I still find it hard to believe that there is so much family drama so soon after my mum died. I miss her and think about her every day, and I wonder what she would think if I ended up with a 30 year old Nigerian step mom. There is a possibility that she would find it quite hilarious.Or not.

Following on from yesterday's post; I found out that I have an identical twin sister who was in a coma for fifteen years but woke up a couple of years ago and moved to Rio where she underwent a sex-change operation then moved to the states to track me down and we started dating. (It was all part of a plan to ruin my life for as I was the twin kept by my parents whilst she was rejected and put up for adoption.) We almost got married until my grandmother (who I thought had died in 1988) showed up at the church during the wedding ceremony to warn me of the impending disaster, so then together we killed my evil twin and buried her at sea. During the murder my grandmother was mortally wounded; her last words to me were to tell me that I was, in fact, the secret daughter of Fidel Castro. I buried my granny alongside my evil twin and I am trying to move on with my life.

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