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Monday, January 30, 2012

New Year, new life...

So I took an extended break from my blog, but, after much clamoring from my tens of followers; I'M BACK. Let's just say you can't keep the drama and the nonsense out of my life, so you may as well read about it here.
You all (both) will be thrilled to hear that my marriage has finally been annulled; I am now officially single (apart from the 1984 wedding in New Dehli but let's just let bygones be bygones shall we?).
How my life has changed this past year. I'm down to one cat; the other suffered a heart attack during July 4th celebrations-my neighborhood gives Bosnia a run for its money and the cat thought she was in a war zone and keeled over and died. :(
On the bright side this reduces the possibility that I will one day be knitting sweaters with cat hair, as it's a slow process gathering hair for yarn from just one cat.
My son moved to Oregon, he might be back in June; it's hard to know with his Ever-Changing Plan.
I have to host a French Exchange student next month. I am greatly looking forwards to this as my housekeeping skills are legendary among men, and needless to say my Christmas Tree is still up and twinkling as I write...

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