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Monday, March 8, 2010

Sporty Spice

I went to Granny aerobics this weekend. There was a different teacher this week; the seventy year old had a pinched nerve, so we had the 400lb teacher instead. Whilst I did not find her inspirational, I did feel like Kate Moss compared to her. In fact I started looking around for my fake tan and one of my assistants with a glass bottle of mineral's so hard to get good help these days...
In the middle of the class the teacher left (to eat a donut?) to teach a different class (how rude!) and told us to "keep going by yourselves, you can do it!"
Let me tell you, I did not get to where I am today by being a self-motivated, self-starting exerciser.
If I could exercise by myself, why would I bother coming to granny water aerobics at 8.30am on a Saturday morning? More to the point, if I keep coming will I, in fact, reach 400lbs?
I didn't get out the pool because everyone else stayed and continued exercising, so I was embarrassed to be the only one to leave. I faked jogging in place ('fake jogging in place' also known as 'floating in place'), and looked around the pool and was amazed to find that while I have been hanging out in the Old and Obese section of the pool, there is a Master's swim class going on right behind me with handsome fit men as far as the eye can see! (Next time I'll wear my glasses to scientifically verify the previous statement).
So I'm assuming that as the pool is a weightless environment, I look pretty hot and I could probably work out in heels-you know, swim pumps...

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