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Wednesday, August 19, 2009

The Odyssey

As I inched home today (an hour and a half in traffic), in complete silence ( my car stereo was ripped out of my car on saturday night apparently by a small dinosaur or a large wild animal), I had plenty of time to reflect upon the massive Flea Circus that has taken over my house. My cats who were supposed to be my steadfast companions have turned out to be quite dissapointing. They get sick-who knew?- and it costs more to take them to the vet than it does to take my uninsured kids to the doctor. They pee in my bed whenever they get the opportunity. They drag in lizards and parts of birds when I don't give them wet food for a few days. They shit in the litter box and the whole house reeks and now they have brought fleas in, fleas that eat my daughter's legs and belly and make her look like a leper. Extensive research tells me the only way to be rid of the fleas is to clean my house. Heavy sigh. The words I have always lived by; "Housework never killed anyone but why take the risk?" cannot save me. And so begins the epic saga.

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